These are pictures from an air show at Moffett Field, Saturday August 11th 2001. If you haven't already, check out page one.

Picture of A-10, F-16, and P-51
This is part of some kind of "legacy flight" program (I've also seen this called the "Heritage Flight" program - Note: I finally figured out the Navy uses one name, the Air force the other) where they do flybys with planes of different periods. This is an A-10, F-16, and P-51.

Picture of F/A-18 Hornet and a F8F Bearcat
Another legacy flight. F/A-18 Hornet and a F8F Bearcat

Picture of The Smirnof MiGs
The Smirnof MiGs. It's not every day you see MiG-17s flying around.

Picture of airplane
Would you want to mess with this plane? I think not.

Picture of A-10
An A-10 Warthog in its natural environment.

Picture of refueling helicopter
This is how they refuel helicopters in flight. Obviously they can do it in pairs. Today (11-11-01) some folks spotted one of these flying around near here and started calling radio stations in near-panic. I must admit they do look rather odd but if you see one, well, now you know what it is.

Check out the first page of pictures from this day.
Check out the 2002 pictures.
Check out the 2003 pictures.
See the rest of - Travel Photos and Trip Reports

Copyright © 2001 - 2007 Doug Wade including all photographs except where otherwise noted.