Pictures of Alaska

This is part one of our pictures from our Alaska 2000 trip in no particular order.  They're all scanned from photos. If you haven't read my trip report (likely!) I'll just mention that we were there with a combination of a small ship cruise and a land portion.

Picture of bear
Brown bear, Denali.  This is normally closer than you really want to get, but I'm actually sitting in a tour bus (converted school bus) sticking my camera out of the window, thinking that if he gets any closer that sticking anything out of the window is an extremely bad idea.  He just ambled on pass, they're pretty used to the tour busses.  Note the claws.

Picture of orca
Orca! We saw a variety of whales, but only saw Orca once. Alaska is absolutely amazing if you enjoy taking pictures of wildlife.

Picture of seal
Orca lunch special. Seals tend to hang out on these chunks of ice, where they are out of sonar range of the orca. Unfortunately orca can just flip these things over without a whole lot of effort.

Picture of white pass railway
The White Pass Railroad.  You can just make out some little dots between cars which are a few people hanging out from a little platform behind each car trying to get a good shot.  That's where I'm standing.  Note that the bridge is wood.

Picture of ships
OK, the big ship (note how far it extends behind the trees) is a pretty typical cruise ship.  The little Cruise West ship just below the nose of the big ship is our ship. To my mind if you're going to go on an Alaska cruise, you should see the wildlife and to do that you need to be able to get close.

See part two of our Alaska photos.
See the rest of - Travel Photos and Trip Reports
Copyright © 2001 - 2007 Doug Wade including all photographs except where otherwise noted.